Economy of world is falling...not only companies but also countries are affacted by this. Iceland is big looser in this era...This crisis is leading to recession after 1929....The whole world is affected by it and share markets are falling......
Now question comes that how and why it happened suddenly????????
It is a big question and everyone is answering that United states house loan waiver is responsible for this...US people borrowed money from financial banks and were not able to pay liquidity problem came and banks like lehman brothers were started loosing ....And banking affacted the whole market....which was reason of loosing other fields like IT....
But is it it the only reason for economic crisis....
I say No....The reason for crisis are
1.IRAQ and AFGAN war...
2. IRAN dispute....
Lets discuss one by one...
1.During IRAQ and AFGAN war there was lot of money borrowed by US goverment from FEDRAL bank and US was expecting to pay back by selling its new war equipments....But it did not happen...No other country was intrestred to buy its new war equipments....(US goverment genrate lot of revenue by selling its war equipments....)
Also US thought that it will be able to control over OIL but also was not able to do that ....
So because of this there was liquidity crisis in market and everything went wrong for US....
2.what happpened when US wanted to control over IRAN nuclear programme...(I do not want to point out the motto of US over this...Because everyone know this)....In the reply of US, IRAN started dealing its business (mainly OIL) in EURO...RUSSIA also supported it and including RUSSIA some more major Europian countries started dealing the business in EURO.....Again it caused liqidity problem of CASH for US....
So both of the reason are responsible for recession in US ....But because most of the developing countries' economy depends upon US thease countries are also getting affacted by recession....
So Now what is the solution??????
This question is left to you people....please write the solution for this problem which can not only help to our Nation but also can help to other countries......
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